Best Minecraft seeds in 2023 for patch 1.19
A great Minecraft seed will help players place themselves in perfect worlds. Letting them explore rare landmarks, beautiful island seeds, and so much more – but finding the best Minecraft world seed can be tough. So, here are the best Minecraft seeds for 1.19 you just have to try in 2023.
With Minecraft’s Trails & Tales update rapidly approaching, many are looking to find a great Minecraft seed to prepare for the new mobs, blocks, and features. However, finding the best Minecraft world seed can be extremely tough, especially if you’re looking to build a great house or find some rare biomes.
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Luckily, there are some great seeds out there to try and we’ve put together some of the best to make your search a lot easier and to allow you to start your new Minecraft world as soon as possible.
Updated March 27, 2023.
Best Minecraft seeds for 1.19
Looking for some cool new Minecraft world seeds? We’ve got plenty of fantastic options to choose from right here.
We’ve tested out all of our favorite 1.19 seeds on the Java edition of Minecraft for ourselves on the latest version of the game.
Ice Spikes and Caves
The Ice Spikes are a rare biome in Minecraft world seeds, here’s one with both Ice Spikes and extensive caves systems to explore.
Seed: 12000
Platform: Bedrock
While there may not be much in terms of structures or anywhere to get hold of that all-important wood, you’ll instantly have access to one of the rarest biomes in Minecraft.
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The Ice Spikes biome is a challenging location to live in which is perfect for players who want something a little different. Or, if you’re looking for some useful caves to explore, there are plenty in this great Minecraft seed for 1.19.
Outpost, shipwreck, temple, and more
Get four landmarks with one seed.
Seed: 3546842701776989958
Source: Minecraft & Chill
Platform: Bedrock
This Minecraft world seed gives you a four in one as soon as you drop into the world. It’s filled with a desert village, a temple, an outpost, and a shipwreck for you to explore as well as a mangrove nearby.
You may want to prepare before storming any of these places since the landscapes are filled with deadly Pillagers. But once you’re prepared, this will give you the best start and is easily one of the best 1.19 Minecraft seeds of 2023.
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Ancient City Mineshaft
Make sure you know how to defeat the warden before coming down here.
Seed: 4189766944005904899
Platform: Java
Thanks to the new cave update, we have been blessed with some impressive cave systems, specifically Ancient Cities. Such a city is available a short walk away from the spawn at coordinates 189 / -27 / 179 to be specific. Head down to the mineshaft and explore this wonderful sight — just stay away from the Warden.
Allay rich woodland mansion
Save the Allays in this huge woodland mansion.
Seed: -702411727950161736
Platform: Java
Allays are a new addition to Minecraft and have introduced a great level of cuteness to the game as a whole. The only issue is they are usually trapped in places like a woodland mansion. Thankfully, there is one nearby spawn here, so you can free these adorable creatures — simply head to coordinates 229 / 97 / 476.
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If you’re looking for some exploration or a pre-built house, this is one of the best 1.19 Minecraft Seeds in 2023.
Skyblocks Village
Try not to fall off these Skyblocks-style pillars.
Seed: 6332276367529012205
Source: Gaming-idk
Platform: Java
This is probably as close as you will get to playing Skyblocks without mods. It’s got some beautifully tall structures and is the type of game to force you into a unique building and playstyle in general. This is easily one of the best Minecraft world Seeds of 2023, especially if you love Skyblocks.
Ship out of water
Three landmarks for one in this fantastic seed.
Seed: 9008355401877120259
Source: Colesean
Platform: Bedrock
Normally, ships aren’t really supposed to be out of the water, but this one is and it’s filled to the brim with awesome loot, resources, and even sports some lovely views. Surrounding this docked ship is a beautiful village and an outpost to explore. To access it, head to the following coordinates: 200 / 63 / 250.
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A moat fit for a castle
If you want to build your own castle, look no further than this fantastic seed.
Seed: 2Source: Yggdrasil_2Platform: Java
Yep, you read that right. This fantastic 2023 Minecraft world seed is ‘2’ – meaning you’ll likely never forget it. The island right in the middle of the giant lake is perfect for anyone looking to rule the roost in their own castle, and you’ll even find a cave tucked away to go exploring in.
This island seed for Minecraft is perfect for a bit of isolation, or building the perfect castle, for, or self-sustaining region.
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Giant mountain with deep caves
This mountain hides a deep cave with flowing lava.
Seed: 7032811939855349881
Source: Jumpy_Ad5867
Platform: Java
This seed has giant mountains that nestles within it a giant, deep cave with flows of lava. This fits perfectly into the newly updated caves and cliffs update. In the surrounding area, you’ll find lush forests and rolling hills.
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Snowy mountain-top with beautiful views
This seed includes some great textures to recreate the snowy mountains.
Seed: taste
Source: ClaymeisterPL
Platform: Java
If you’re a fan of beautiful seeds, then you definitely need to check out this one. While this seed has stunning views throughout the day, its real beauty shines through at night.
Outpost near cave
With an outpost and a village, this is definitely a unique seed.
Seed: 5575193881835237220
Source: SaIlgado
Platform: Java
Featuring a rare outpost in the middle of a field, this seed also spawns you near a vast cave that’s perfect for any underground adventurers.
Coastal Village with a docked ship
This is one of the most beautiful seeds you’ll come across.
Seed: 2083747154327962073
Source: Thenerdyminded
Platform: Java
Fancy a trip to the seaside? This mountain peninsula offers some of the most breathtaking views in Minecraft. Whether you want to build a base on top of the peninsula, inside one of its hidden caves, or even on the water, you’ll have a blast either way.
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Village on a High Pillar
This village sits way atop a huge pillar, protected from all sorts of potential enemies!
Seed: -5694368681594500133
Source: DylanDC14
Platform: Java
This seed has reached over 4,700 upvotes at the time of writing, and it’s not hard to see why. This incredibly unique 2023 Minecraft seed features a towering plinth with a small village resting atop it. Any Pillagers that spawn to attack the village seem to appear down at the bottom of the pillar, meaning that they can’t reach the Villagers, and so the raid will quickly be over!
11 Biomes at spawn
There are plenty of biomes to explore here.
Seed: -8401040335508653605
Source: mintymoes
Platform: Java
It’s not every day that you generate a new Minecraft biome and are greeted with such a diverse cluster of locations. This is an amazing 2023 Minecraft seed with all the biomes, almost. To top it all off, they are all neatly clustered together, so you won’t need to trek far to reap the resources from each area.
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If that wasn’t enough, you spawn in the very center of the map. Why not take a sandy stroll through the mesa plains, then cool off in the lush green forests? You’ll definitely never want to leave this picturesque biome.
All biomes (including all rare biome variants)
This seed features everything you could ever need and more.
Seed: 64971835648254
Source: BigBrain5Head
Platform: Java (Bedrock download available)
If you thought mintymoes’ 11 biomes at spawn seed was good, then you’ll definitely want to add this seed to your collection. BigBrain5Head found one of the best 1.19 Minecraft seeds of 2023 which houses all the biomes available in the 1.19 update, including all rare biome variants. This means you can set up your home and instantly get access to the game’s best resources.
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To make matters even better, every biome is within a 2500-block radius of the spawn. This instantly cuts down the annoying treks between each area, saving you huge amounts of time. BigBrain5Head is certainly worthy of their name.
Shipwreck Island
This seed will whisk you away to a fantastic deserted island.
Seed: -7206690241419829648
Source: ShopCaller
Platform: Java
Are you looking for an island seed in Minecraft that’s full of resources? This one’s for you. Featuring a ravine that intersects with another deep underwater, you’ll be able to explore high and low with this deserted island.
That’s not all, though. With beehives, shipwrecks, and an abandoned mineshaft containing chests that’ll nab you both diamonds and glow berries, you’ll be set to have a blast with this seed.
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Savanna, Taiga, Jungle, and Temple at spawn
Seed: -1454776334
Source: FoxyShards
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Platform: Bedrock
This Bedrock seed features a ton of cool things, from clay patches to help to search for diamonds, through to abandoned villages and desert temples! Featuring a lake in the middle of the seed that’s encircled by the different biomes, you’ve got everything you’ll need right within reach.
Mountain Island Spawn
This island offers a ton of resources.
Seed: 937250616
Source: Beefy_Nad
Platform: Bedrock
This Bedrock-compatible island seed for Minecraft offers a bounty of wood types right off the bat, and it’s gorgeous to look at as well. There are smaller biomes included within, too, so there should be everything you need to live out your Castaway fantasies.
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Mountain plains
The hills are alive with the sound of Creepers.
Seed: 7229962402130211473
Source: SpaceBoiArt
Platform: Java
Mountains not only provide you with a fantastic vantage point for you to survey your kingdom, but they also make for some awesome house locations. While mountains aren’t exactly uncommon in Minecraft, it is rare for them to completely surround a plain valley. The mountainous terrain even has its own freshwater river that flows through and around the craggy cliffs.
A land of Fire and Ice
This hidden village is a thing of beauty.
Seed: 45721884739527
Source: Killstepz
Platform: Java
This Minecraft seed is like a Russian doll as it’s hiding a secret area. To uncover the hidden village, you must first traverse the snowy tundra and make your way over a wooded mountain before you uncover a desert island. On this sandy wasteland, you’ll find a small village basking in the sun.
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It’s a unique sight to behold and one that demonstrates just how amazing Minecraft’s procedurally generated worlds can be.
Water world
Fancy taking a dip in this watery world?
Seed: 3010064798083778592
Source: HydroPunkBot
Platform: Java
This seed won’t catch your eye for its scenic sights, nor will it make a particularly quaint home. It will, however, will put your survival skills to the test. Players start by spawning inside an underwater shipwreck and you’ll need to escape to survive.
It’s up to you to salvage the shipwreck, fish for consumables, and search your watery surroundings for any useful resources. HydroPunkBot’s biome is not for the faint of heart, but if you’re up for a challenge, then this world seed will do just that.
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Desert Island
This desert island seed has villages and a coral reef!
Seed: 43203781
Source: ricecake1111113
Platform: Bedrock
This island seed for Minecraft features everything from coral reefs to temples, treasures, skeletons, and even spiders! You’ve also got strongholds and a fortress – what more could you want?
Jungle surrounded by snowy mountains
A beautiful and rare site – this seed shows the contrast between two opposing environments.
Seed: -8834933079388768803
Source: its_Artem1
Platform: Java
This unique and beautiful seed is primarily on this list for its rare landscape. Whether you choose to build a lush, green jungle base in the center of these snowy mountains, or you just want to admire this rare site, this seed is definitely one for the books.
The Lonely Island
Live life on your own island with this cool Minecraft seed.
Seed: -180712982499944018
Source: Heliozz0
Platform: Java and Bedrock
This lonely island seed for Minecraft is fantastic if you want the kind of challenge where you spawn in a rather baron landscape. Luckily, there are plenty of trees so you can start up easily enough.
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This is the kind of seed where you can either make life easy or hard. There are enough islands around to collect resources or visit different landmarks but the large island is definitely the main location for a fantastic house.
The best Minecraft Desert Seed
Complete with beautiful reefs, villages, temples, and outposts. This seed is not to be missed.
Seed: -3373198683487676029
Explore a mixture of Reef, Temple, Village, and Outpost with this fantastic seed, that works perfectly with either Bedrock or Java players.
This is a beautiful location to build a sunny beach house or locate some of the upcoming adorable camels coming in the 1.20 update. Either way, this is a beach-lovers paradise and is easily the best Minecraft desert seed.
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Best Minecraft village seeds
Surviving the harsh environments in Minecraft can be challenging at times, so it’s essential to find villages early on in your adventures to access resources like food, armor, and weapons. Our list of the best Minecraft village seeds has everything, from frozen tundras to remote islands surrounded by the ocean.
Underground Zombie Village
Spawn dangerously in this underground Zombie Village seed.
Seed: -2404910741640601849
Source: Protagnst
Platform: Java
From the moment you spawn you’re stuck in a cave filled with Zombies so this Minecraft seed is not for the faint hearted.
Nevertheless, it’s an incredibly unique challenge and one that allows you to live underground while still having a village to explore, just watch out for the Zombies.
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Plains village tucked away in a valley
This village is uniquely nestled away in a huge valley.
Seed: 1635965210870703300
Source: Kifdury000
Platform: Java
If you’re looking for a breathtaking view, you need to look no further than this stellar seed that features a village tucked away in a valley. What’s more, there’s even a cave to explore right in the rockface – giving you ample chance to descend into the depths of this fantastic world.
Upon arrival, make sure to use the following coordinates to ensure you can find it in a pinch: 3271.37 / 142.12 / -3747.87 / 525.25 / 21.72.
Lake village on the edge of a steep cliff
This lake-side village sits right at the edge of an incredibly tall cliff.
Seed: -865209853
Source: MariaJachinski
Platform: Java
This seed offers players a rare environment that boasts a village on the lake, and a cliff littered with waterfalls and hidden caves, it’s a fantastic Minecraft seed, especially in 2023.
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Pillager outpost on a cliff
This seed offers a stunning cliffside view
Seed: -7197014500117473475
Source: Ssupersettle
Platform: Java
This seed features a pillager outpost on a cliffside overlooking a stunning view. Surrounded by forest and water, it’s a breathtaking site to behold upon spawning in.
Village with multi-tiered lakes
The multi-tiered lakes create fantastic building opportunities
Seed: 4344633995751933050
Source: Norcalnomadman
Platform: Java
This is by far one of the most unique seeds you’ll come across in Minecraft, providing endless opportunities to build your own castle overlooking the lake, or anything else that inspiration strikes.
Mountain Valley double village
This seed will give you plenty of villages and caves to explore.
Seed: 10532435
Source: Protagnst
Platform: Bedrock
Why have one village when you can have two in such close proximity? This seed comes with one large village and one medium village, with another just off spawn.
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Just watch your step when exploring them since this great Minecraft seed is filled with deep caverns and exciting exploration opportunities.
How to use seeds in Minecraft
To hop into a new world with a seed, you need to paste it into the box shown above.
Now that you’ve picked out a world you want to head out on an adventure in, you might be wondering how to use the seeds in Minecraft. Luckily, these steps are relatively simple:
- From the main menu of Minecraft, click ‘Singleplayer‘.
- Select Create New World
- A new window will appear with a host of different options. Select ‘More World Options‘.
- At the top of the next menu that pops up, you’ll see a box at the top that says ‘Seed for the world generator‘.
- Paste any of the seed codes above into that box. Click ‘Done‘.
- Make any changes to the game you want such as changing Game Mode, Difficulty, or allowing Cheats.
- Select ‘Create New World’ and your seed will start to generate.
- That’s it! You’ll now appear at the spawn point for your particular seed.
There you have it, some of the best 1.19 Minecraft seeds in 2023. We’ll be updating this list with new Minecraft seeds, so come back here often for all the latest updates.
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